My Scrapbook Room

My Scrapbook Room
Creativity Unleashed Here!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Our Little Ray of "Sunshine"

When you live on a farm, you usually have cats--at least we always have.  Unfortuately, the odds of a kitten surviving it's first year often depends soley on it's mother--how well she can keep them hidden from prey such as racoons and other male cats that come onto the farm.
We have many cats--at last count 9 of our own and a couple that visit on a regular basis--you guessed it --a couple of rough and tumble BOYS looking for a good time.
Of the nine we have, only 2 are 1-2 years old.  The rest are older cats, 2 mommas and several boys.  Our oldest momma only had one kitten this year, but unfortuneately, a transient male, killed it one day.   Our other momma has 2 of the cutest little guys ever.    Oh, and did I mention--ALL of our cats are BLACK or GRAY!
So, now you ask--who is that precious little yellow one above??
Our little Ray of "Sunshine" as I call it (not sure girl or boy yet--it isn't going to get close enough for me to catch yet).     Another thing about living on a farm is some city folk think the country is the place to throw your animals away--I'm sure they're thinking--"they have so many cats already what's another one"
And so one day, a little over a month ago, our little "Sunshine" showed up on our deck--a very tiny little kitten--with not one black or gray hair on it's body. I t didn't blend in very well, but the other cats didn't seem to notice or mind that this tiny little guy was looking to eat a little bit of their food.

This is our older momma and one of her kittens several years ago, Lovey
and this is our momma that has 2 kittens of her own
These are her 2 kittens,  that she takes very good care of .  Every night she leads them to the barn to sleep and every morning she brings them back to the house to eat on the deck.  About 2 weeks ago, I noticed she was taking Sunshine to the barn with her two, or maybe he was just following--and every morning, back they all came--momma, the 2 kittens and Sunshine.  And then yesterday, I looked out to see this on the deck-----------
Yes, Momma was feeding all three of them.  Welcome to you forever home, "Sunshine"--you  are in good hands .   Don't we wish the human world was this caring. 

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