Here are our 4 showmen, Hannah, Paige, Cody and Dylan (or is it Dylan and Cody?) No fair, guys, wearing the same shirt.
Here the kids did a new event to our family--Club of 3--and we got First Place!!! Paige is actually behind the calves somewhere setting up the back legs. The other 3 had to set their calves up as close together as they could and set the front legs up. Love little Hannah in the middle of her two big cousins.
We had a terrific time--lots of blue ribbons, some purples and Cody's calf earned Reserve Grand Champion in its class! Saturday was family day and the cousins had a great time together in the nag drag, frozen t-shirt contest, the cake walk (Friday), doing the dunk tank, playing go fish, and just generally goofing off together.
Today was bittersweet--it was the end of the fair and Hannah had her heart broken when she overheard that the steers were going to market this week. She cried, I cried---she was devastated! We had to do a lot of fast talking and tell her some farmer would probably buy him and put him out in his pasture. Wow, this is the hardest part of this fair stuff--I know they shouldn't, but these kids get so attached to their calves. That's why having breeding heifers is a lot safer--we don't get rid of them, and next year, Hannah will have 2 of them as she will have the 2 little calves from Paige's cows that she got to lead in the ring this year. But it sure didn't help a thing today. My heart breaks for her--I couldn't give my calf up either, I'm afraid.
Hopefully, this download thing will straighten itself out so I can put a few more pictures up--I took over 1000 pictures----so I have plenty to share at some point (may just be an album on FB)
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