Hannah, "Framing" sister Paige! Just part of the days fun!
The start of one of Hannah's projects--"sign" words
It's all about the concentration!
This will be the way we live for the next 2 weeks!
This is the time of year when our lives are turned upside down with everything 4-H. After all the county fair is only 2 weeks away and hardly a project is complete---AGAIN!!! No matter how much we preach to work on things all year, it just NEVER happens! So, we have pictures to take and print and mount, there are projects to be painted, glued and put together, there are calves to be walked and walked and bathed and combed. But somehow, this is also one of the most fun times of the year for this Grandma and the kids and the parents. The feel of the Fair is in the air and Oh, how this family loves the fair. Full of dirt, scorching heat, laughter, bonding, snacks, water fights, --everyone pulling together, helping out at whatever it is that needs to be done. Personally, I can't wait to watch all the Grandkids together. They are such a great bunch! Here's just a few pics of the happenings this week. There will be lots more to come. And, Oh, Did I mention, I have to get my stuff done for open class also--I guess if Grandma hasn't learned to get stuff done early, how do we expect the kids to get their's done!